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International Scientific and Practical Conference

International Scientific and Practical Conference

1 October 2019

On September 27, 2019, the International Scientific and Practical Conference “MULTIDISCIPLINARY APPROACH TO HEALTH CARE IN THE HIGH-CLASS ATHLETES PREPARATION SYSTEM” was held in conjunction with the opening of the PRO SPORT sports medicine and rehabilitation center.

Located in the Almaty region, near the city of Talgar, the World Boxing Academy has opened the doors of the specialized center for sports medicine and rehabilitation "PRO SPORT". This is the first medical center in our country equipped with modern medical, rehabilitation and sports diagnostic equipment, capable of solving all the practical problems of sports, as well as conducting research activities. The sports base located in a unique natural location allows you to use all the advantages of training in the midlands in the conditions of full medical and biomedical support throughout the training period for both professional athletes and all categories of sports enthusiasts.

The initiator of the creation of the center was the National Olympic Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan. When designing the center, the experience of organizing sports medicine centers in Germany, Spain, Turkey, Dubai, Qatar, and Russia was taken into account. The Kazakhstan Federation of Sports Medicine, the Medilab company, as well as the Medicare network of medical clinics participated in the project.

The conference was opened by the Vice-President of the National Olympic Committee, D.R. Abulgazin, the moderator of the conference was President of the Kazakhstan Federation of Sports Medicine D.Zh. Sarsenov. The conference was attended by speakers of the International Olympic Committee Janis Pitsiladis (Great Britain), Rod Whiteley (Qatar), Olaf Schumacher (Qatar), as well as invited sports experts Jan Bravy (Russia).

As a result of the conference, the need was noted for the development of the specialty sports medicine and the development of programs for the training of medical and biological specialists for sports of the highest achievements. The conference participants confirmed that the further development of sports medicine in Kazakhstan as a healthcare industry requires the intensification of research and development, as well as high-quality regulatory regulation at the legislative level.

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