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Policy in the ISM field


in the field of quality, environmental protection, health protection and work safety

Медицинские услугиMedical services (further – Mediker) is the large private medical company providing a wide range of medical services in all the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan..

Mediker’s main objective is the highly professional rendering medical services conforming the national and international quality of standards, environment, safety and labor protection.

Mediker realizes the responsibility for the quality of rendering medical services, preservation of favorable conditions for the environment, rational use of natural resources, providing safe working conditions and protection of the employees’ health, and assumes the following obligations:

  • at all the stages of rendering medical services to observe applicable legislative and standard requirements, and also other obligations which the organization has agreed to carry out;
  • to provide satisfaction of consumers and partners by continuous improvement of the quality of the rendered medical services with use of customer-oriented technologies;
  • to provide protection and prevention of environmental pollution by observing the requirements of recycling, standards of maximum permissible emissions and pollutant dumpings, and other requirements of the ecological legislation;
  • to provide prevention of traumatism and incidence of the Mediker employees, contract organizations and other parties in a zone of rendering services;
  • to improve activity indicators in the field of quality constantly, environmental protection, health protection and work safety.

The main realization directions of the Policy are:

  • effective functioning and continuous improvement of the corporate management system and management system with the use of the best business practice;
  • introducing new methods and improving the existing ones in diagnostics and treatment based on the principles of evidential medicine and satisfying the modern protocols of diagnostics and treatment;
  • ensuring availability, safety, quality and complexity of medical services;
  • the employees’ regular professional development, being a major factor of the company competitiveness;
  • prevention of discrepancies and problems at all the stages of production economic activity, by realization of correcting and warning actions;
  • continuous development of material and technical resources, including by investment into the modern medical equipment, the latest information technologies;
  • development of the new directions of business and expansion of the provided service pool based on the market principles and directed to an increase in value and optimum structure of assets included within the international cooperation.

Mediker assumes responsibility for realization of the real Policy, by means of using the integrated system of management according to the international ISO standards 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 requirements and provides its realization to all interested parties.

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